Engaging All Learners

Engaging All Learners
Studio Day April 2019

Sunday, April 19, 2015

HTHS Teachers Engaged in Book Study

A group of HTHS teachers, led by Dr. Jennifer Cardwell, are reading Leaders of Their Own Learning, by Ron Berger.  The pilot group members read, discuss sections of the book, and try out Berger's suggestions in their own classrooms.  Berger recommends the use of learning targets in the daily classroom.  The term target is significant.  It emphasizes that students are aiming for something specific.  Learning targets are meant to focus students, directing their efforts and attention as would a physical target.  Berger says that learning targets help students define what they are learning and why they are learning it.  This enables students to monitor their progress toward the learning goal. Students, consequently feel motivated to accomplish a task when they know it is in their reach.

Dr. Cardwell will lead teachers in a study of portions of the book this summer.  Contact Dr. Cardwell if you are interested in participating.

Learning Targets from Tim Stull's Pre-AP World History Class
Students check off the "I Can" statements as they gain clear understanding of each one.  These targets are for one unit, which Dr. Stull says will be ongoing for approximately 10 days.  

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