Engaging All Learners

Engaging All Learners
Studio Day April 2019

Friday, October 12, 2018

Computer Science Expanding in TCS

In 2016, only 86 schools in Alabama offered a high-quality computer science course. Today, more than 175 Alabama high schools offer such classes. In September 2017, Governor Kay Ivey established the Governor’s Advisory Council for Computer Science Education.

In March 2018, Ivey and the Alabama State Board of Education approved the Alabama Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study and Standards. Currently, only 10 other states in the nation have computer science standards.

Trussville's own April Chamberlain was selected to be on the committee to write the Alabama Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study and Standards.  Mrs. Chamberlain says that one of the reasons she chose to work with a state group to write the new Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study was so she could learn from leaders like Dr. Jeff Gray, Computer Science Professor at the University of Alabama, and others.  
April Chamberlain Presents TCS Computer Science Plans at ALET

Many people think computer science is just coding, but it is more.  In the most basic of terms, computer science is systematic problem solving which occurs in science, math, history, and more.  If you have not already, please visit https://alex.state.al.us/browseDLIT.php to view the Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study.  On the ALEX website, there is also a document called Unpacked Standards which explains more in depth of what the students will be able to do and know for each standard. 

Below is an quick summary of what we are doing in Trussville to learn and grow in our understanding of digital literacy and computer science and provide opportunities for students.  We are excited about the growth of computer science in Trussville, but Mrs. Chamberlain and her team are always looking for more opportunities.

·         Courses taught in TCS
o   AP Computer Science courses taught at HTHS
·         Non courses/learning opportunities
o   HTHS Robotics Club

2017 Summer
·         Professional Learning
o   Michael Bufkin, HTMS, attends A+ College Ready Computer Science Discoveries training for 5 days in the summer and 4 follow up days throughout the year to get trained in teaching Code.org’s Computer Science Discoveries curriculum to 7th and 8th graders in one year long course.  The course consists of six units: problem solving, web development, animations and games, the design process, data and society, and physical computing.  https://studio.code.org/courses/csd-2018

2017-2018 School Year
·         Professional Learning
o   April and Ashley Waring, District Technology Integration Specialist, spent 1 year on the ALSDE Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study Committee and Task Force to research and write with a team the new course of study.
o   Governor’s Computer Science Summit, Montgomery – April, Ashley, and Erin Cornelison attended the summit to hear from Governor Ivey and others on their vision and commitment for computer science in Alabama.  Sponsored by A+ College Ready.
o   Elementary STEM teachers receive training and planning time to prepare to fully teach Computer Science Fundamentals course the next school year.  Code.org CSF training lead by Ashley Waring, Code.org CSF trainer.

·         Courses taught in TCS
o   AP Computer Science year-long courses taught at HTHS
o   Computer Science Principles year-long course taught at HTHS
o   Computer Science Discoveries year-long course taught at HTMS

·         Non courses/learning opportunities
o   CES EnRICh teaching 1 sessions of Google’s CS First Game Design to fifth graders, https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/c/cs-first/en/game-design/overview.html, where students using block based coding in Scratch 2.0/3.0 to program the following games: gaming story, racing game, maze game, platform game, escape game, launcher game, quest game, and cave surfing game
o   CES EnRICh teaching 1 sessions of Google’s CS First Fashion and Design to fifth graders, https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/c/cs-first/en/fashion-and-design/overview.html, where students using block based coding in Scratch 2.0/3.0 to program the following: fashion story, fashion walk, ultimate stylist, fashion innovation, fashion poll, window shopper, pattern maker, and fashion awards
o   HTMS Clubs: Robotics, Sphero, Ozobot
o   HTHS Robotics Club
o   Promote Tech Birmingham’s Kids Code Club at McWane Science Center, once a month Sundays.  Ashley and April volunteer for these events.

·       HTMS receives $24,990 from ALSDE Middle School Computer Science Initiative Grant to future develop the following
o   Increase in clubs and mini course offerings
o   Resources for pre-engineering and computer science fundamentals course
o   Computer science kits available for students to check out from the library (They cannot keep them on the shelf for long as they are frequently checked out.)
o   Student camp opportunities (still in development)
o   Professional Learning (wealth of print resources and planning together)

2018 Summer
·         Professional Learning
o   Erin Cornelison, HTHS, attends A+ College Ready Computer Science Principles training for 5 days in the summer, https://studio.code.org/courses/csp-2018.  Computer Science Principle course consists of five units: the Internet, digital information, intro to programming, big data and privacy, and building apps.
o   April Chamberlain attends A+ College Ready Computer Science Discoveries training for 5 days in the summer and 4 follow up days throughout the year to get trained in teaching Code.org’s Computer Science Discoveries curriculum to better assist middle school computer science needs.
o   Lead Technology Teachers attended the International Society for Technology in Education Conference in Chicago focusing on sessions that would develop their knowledge in the five strands of Alabama’s Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study: Computational Thinker, Citizen of a Digital Culture, Global Collaborator, Computing Analyst, and Innovative Designer.  Those that attended are: Lauren Long, April Smith, Janet Benson, Susan Brandon, Erin McGuyer, Mandy McIntosh, Rachel Brockman, Jason Dooley, Ashley Waring and April Chamberlain.

2018-2019 School Year
·         Courses being taught in TCS
o   AP Computer Science year-long courses taught at HTHS, Erin Cornelison
o   Computer Science Principles year-long course taught at HTHS, Erin Cornelison
o   Computer Science Discoveries year-long course taught at HTMS, Michael Bufkins
o   Computer Science 6th grade rotation (9 weeks) course taught at HTMS, Jada Burns
o   All elementary STEM classes teaching trimester of Computer Science Fundamentals K-5 using Code.org curriculum, https://code.org/educate/curriculum/elementary-school

·         Non courses/learning opportunities
o   PES EnRICh teaching 4 sessions of Google’s CS First Game Design to fifth graders, https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/c/cs-first/en/game-design/overview.html, where students using block based coding in Scratch 2.0/3.0 to program the following games: gaming story, racing game, maze game, platform game, escape game, launcher game, quest game, and cave surfing game.
o   CES and MES will also offer CS First curriculum within EnRICh this school year.  The themes that may be offered are: Storytelling, Fashion and Design, Art, Sports, Music and Sound, Game Design, and Animation.
o   CES Make and PES Make: students will learn and create interactive resources using Makey Makeys and programming within Scratch.
o   Code Who Code Clubs at each elementary school – currently awaiting approval and resources.  MES lead by Lauren Long, CES lead by April Smith, and PES led by Janet Benson.
o   High School Team participating in Tech Birmingham’s Teen Hack-a-Thon sponsored by Jason Dooley and Michael Bufkin
o   HTMS facilitation Google Code In, Oct. 23 – Dec. 12, as a club where students take part in Google’s global, online contest introducing students to the world of open source develop through a wide variety of bite-sized tasks.  This club will be facilitated by Jada Burns and Ashley Waring.
o   Promote Tech Birmingham’s Kids Code Club at McWane Science Center, once a month Sundays.  Ashley and April volunteer for these events.

·         Professional Learning
o   Erin Cornelison and April Chamberlain attend A+ College Ready Fall AP Computer Science Conference getting additional training on Code.org lessons and resources, Greenfoot programming software, and Microbit programming and projects.
o   Development of the TCS Digital Literacy and Computer Science Committee which will meet four times throughout the year to develop an understanding of the standards, the cross curricular nature of the standards, local resources and develop implementation plan for their school for 2019-2020 school year.  Members are:
§  CES – April Smith, Amy Prickett, LeDerricka Dickerson, Sara Wessel and Taylor Harrison
§  MES – Lauren Long, Rebecca Bishop
§  PES – Janet Benson, Susan Brandon, Amy Ramer, Nicole Jenkins
§  HTMS – Erin McGuyer, Mandy McIntosh, Rachel Brockman, Michael Bufkin, Jada Burns
§  HTHS – Jason Dooley, Laura Massey, Erin Cornelison, Chaney Bowers
§  BOE – Ashley Waring, April Chamberlain, Beth Bruno, Jennifer Cardwell
o   In conjuntion with Secondary District Math Committee, explore Code.org’s Computer Science in Algebra, https://code.org/educate/algebra
o   Explore Code.org’s Computer Science in Science, https://code.org/curriculum/scienceModules include: introduction to computer moedling and simulation, water as a shared resource, ecosystems as complex systems, and chemical reactions

·         TCS applied for MS and HS Robotics Grant submitted by Joy Young.  Awaiting announcement.

·         Resources that support the DLCS standards
o   TCS Lending Library which offers items from children’s literature, circuit playgrounds, 3D printer, Google Expedition kits, Breakout kits, makey makeys, little bits STEAM kits, spheros, ipads, and more for teachers to check out for a week at a time.  New items will be added to support the standards each year.

 We are thankful for Mrs. Chamberlain for her vision and relentess passion for helping our students and staff learn and grow.  She has assembled a remarkable team to provide the support educators in the district need to make computer science a reality for each student.  

Dr. Cardwell, Ms. Waring, and Ms. Chamberlain Provide Training for HTHS Math Teachers on Utilizing their New Touch Screen Chromebooks

Ms. Waring Works with Students

Ms. Waring Provides PD for Teachers

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