The ELEOT is a useful tool for teachers to use for reflection. Spending a few minutes each day reflecting and writing down your ideas can be a powerful tool for individual development. Take a look at the criteria below for an effective learning environment. In the fall of 2016, TCS will undergo a district accreditation review. The ELEOT will be the tool used by AdvancED to corroborate information obtained from interviews, artifacts and student performance data. Take a look and start reflecting on the environment in your classroom.
A. Equitable Learning Environment:
1. Has differentiated learning opportunities and activities that meet her/his needs
2. Has equal access to classroom discussions, activities, resources, technology, and support
3. Knows that rules and consequences are fair, clear, and consistently applied
4. Has ongoing opportunities to learn about their own and other’s backgrounds/cultures/differences
B. High Expectations Environment:
1. Knows and strives to meet the high expectations established by the teacher
2. Is tasked with activities and learning that are challenging but attainable
3. Is provided exemplars of high quality work
4. Is engaged in rigorous coursework, discussions, and/or tasks
5. Is asked and responds to questions that require higher order thinking (e.g., applying, evaluating, synthesizing)
C. Supportive Learning Environment:
1. Demonstrates or expresses that learning experiences are positive
2. Demonstrates positive attitude about the classroom and learning
3. Takes risks in learning (without fear of negative feedback)
4. Is provided support and assistance to understand content and accomplish tasks
5. Is provided additional/alternative instruction and feedback at the appropriate level of challenge for her/his needs
D. Active Learning Environment:
1. Has several opportunities to engage in discussions with teacher and other students
2. Makes connections from content to real-life experiences
3. Is actively engaged in the learning activities
E. Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment:
1. Is asked and/or quizzed about individual progress/learning
2. Responds to teacher feedback to improve understanding
3. Demonstrates or verbalizes understanding of the lesson/content
4. Understands how her/his work is assessed
5. Has opportunities to revise/improve work based on feedback
F. Well-Managed Learning Environment:
1. Speaks and interacts respectfully with teacher(s) and peers
2. Follows classroom rules and works well with others
3. Transitions smoothly and efficiently to activities
4. Collaborates with other students during student-centered activities
5. Knows classroom routines, behavioral expectations and consequences
G. Digital Learning Environment
1. Uses digital tools/technology to gather, evaluate, and/or use information for learning
2. Uses digital tools/technology to conduct research, solve problems, and/or create original works for learning
3. Uses digital tools/technology to communicate and work collaboratively for learning
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