The Trussville Educator Effectiveness Team met yesterday for a third meeting. School systems in Alabama have been tasked by the State Department of Education to develop new evaluation plans for their districts. Teachers and administrators from all four schools met June 12 and July 13 to begin the process of developing a plan for TCS. The goal of the team is to design an observation tool and expectations that align with our core beliefs. The study and process will take two years to complete. The team facilitator is Dr. Alison Grizzle from the SDE. Plan 2020 calls for the:
"Development and implementation of a professional growth evaluation system for teachers and leaders that includes multiple measures of student growth and achievement."
The team has worked to determine what teachers and administrators in Trussville believe are the top observable things that represent effective teaching. An initial list includes:
Content Knowledge
Learning Targets / Standards based instruction
Active engagement
Well managed classroom
Positive environment
Student teacher interaction/discourse/questioning
Rigorous / Relevant Instruction and Learning
Team members have requested feedback from teachers throughout the district as this tool is designed. The goal is to have a common understanding and consensus regarding effective teaching.
Decisions regarding effective teaching are based on research:
- Kentucky Framework for Teaching
- Marzano Teaching Evaluation Model
- INTASC Standards
- Alabama Quality Teaching Standards
- Mathematical Practice Standards
- Literacy Anchor Standards
- Rigor and Relevance Framework