Objectives of the Collaborative Meetings for 15-16:
- Read and discuss Cultures Built to Last, Systemic PLCs at Work
- Create a collaborative culture in schools with a focus on learning
- Understand why systemwide reform is most effective
- Review and revise district Strategic Plan and Professional Development Plan
- Share ways we are facilitating professional growth
- Develop procedures and a protocol for walkthroughs
- Share walkthrough updates and data from each school
- Determine next steps
On December 2, using the Michael Fullan and Richard DuFour book, Cultures Built to Last, Systemic PLCs at Work, the group did a "deep dive" into Professional Learning Communities, discussing why PLCs are the best hope for sustained and substantive school improvement. The administrators examined the six characteristics of high-performing PLCs as described by Rick DuFour and his colleagues:
1. Shared mission, vision, values, and goals which are all focused on student learning.
2. A collaborative culture with a focus on learning
3. Collaborative inquiry into best practice and current reality
4. Action orientation or "learning by doing"
5. A commitment to continuous improvement
6. A results orientation
As a culminating activity, the participants wrote 10 to 15 word gists to summarize Professional Learning Communities:
- A community of learners who value collaboration, results, shared values, all with the purpose of improving student learning
- A PLC is a team with a growth mindset and shared purpose and vision focused on learning.
- Participatory, learning focused, ongoing, growth mindset, collegiality, communicative
- A community of learners committed to continuous growth for students and self
- Collaborative efforts to inspire student achievement through data and discourse
- Learning together to improve student achievement
- Collaborative, shared mindset, continuous improvement, process (not a program)
- Collective group of learners working on common goals
- People, practices, processes, student learning, reflection
- Working together in all capacities to continuously improve student and teacher learning
- Together resolute improvement
- Organization that focuses on teacher and student learning
- Collaborative learning, culture focused on student achievement and growth, shared vision, continuous
- Collaborative culture of shared learning, mission, vision with commitment to continuous learning
- Everyone learning together intentionally
The TCS Administrative Collaborative will meet again January 27.
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