Engaging All Learners

Engaging All Learners
Studio Day April 2019

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Visiting Magnolia Elementary Classrooms

The academic coaches, Dr. Jennifer Cardwell, and I are going to attempt to visit classrooms on a regular basis.  Our intent is not to evaluate teachers, but to assess strengths and needs in order to provide appropriate support and professional learning to all schools.  We will periodically share a summary or “state of EE indicators” with each school.  This type of feedback has been proven to be affirming and helpful to teachers in the past. Thank you so much for welcoming us into your schools. 

Today, we had the opportunity to visit kindergarten, first, and second grade classrooms at Magnolia.  

Kim Evans teaches Open Court Phonics to her kindergartners.

Ashley Sing helps her student stretch out a word in order to decode it.  

Emily Durham listens to her students read decodable texts.  

Music teacher, Chris Byars, plays a math game with students during the designated intervention period for Magnolia.  

Theresa Bivens provides math intervention for second graders.

Students at Magnolia are developing a genuine love of reading.

Students are developing the necessary stamina to read for extended periods of time.

Kindergarten teachers have developed word lists for students to practice.  They will be rewarded in an assembly when they have mastered all the lists.  

Learning targets that include high level verbs are displayed in each classroom.  

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