Engaging All Learners

Engaging All Learners
Studio Day April 2019

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Rigorous and Relevant Assignment Commemorates First 100 Days at Magnolia

Take a look at the rigorous and relevant writing assignment Mrs. Jackie Moore has assigned her fifth grade students to commemorate the first 100 days of Magnolia Elementary!  The students' reflection papers will be displayed in the hallway for all to read and enjoy. The writing assignment below gives information and instructions for the First 100 Days of School Reflection paper.

1.    Write a reflection paper in 100 words about your school events, school field trips, and what you have learned in the first 100 days of this school year.
Examples of writing topics to place within your paper:
a.     School related events (Magnolia Elementary Picnic on the Grounds with your families  before we left Paine Elementary, the opening of our new school at Magnolia Elementary School,  Winter Wonderland, Awards Day programs,  the outside ceremony when our new American flag was presented and then raised at our new school, Magnolia Elementary School, etc.)
b.    School field trips (Field trip to Cabaha Environmental Center)
c.     Topics you learned in each of your three academic classes: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies
2.    Write a rough draft of your reflection before you write your final paper. (Keep your draft in the writing section of your Literacy Binder.)
3.    You may write your final paper in cursive or you may type it.
4.    Make sure you write a creative title at the top of your reflection, by including, My First 100 Days of Fun and Learning.
5.    Your paper needs to be free of mistakes in spelling and capitalization.
6.    Make sure your sentences are complete sentences with end punctuation.
Your final First 100 Days of School paper will be displayed in the hallway, so make sure your content in your reflection paper relates to the examples mentioned above and make sure the instructions that are listed above are followed. 

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