Engaging All Learners

Engaging All Learners
Studio Day April 2019

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Peer Walkthroughs

New first grade teachers, led by reading coach Edra Perry, observed in first grade classrooms Tuesday morning to learn more about small group instruction, classroom management, guided reading, and intervention.  Their peers opened their classrooms and welcomed the opportunity to share their knowledge and strategies with their colleagues.  The visiting teachers and Mrs. Perry debriefed after the walkthroughs to discuss their observations and new learning, and to discuss next steps.

Donald Kachur, in his book, Engaging Teachers in Classroom Walkthroughs, states that teachers believe that classroom observations are a valuable source of professional growth for teachers at every stage of their careers.  Educators view walkthroughs as a means for teachers to observe, reflect on, and discuss their practices and to focus on individual, collegial, and schoolwide improvement.  The outcome of walkthroughs involving teachers is greater consistency of instructional best practices across all grade levels and subject areas.  Walkthroughs enable teachers to observe effective practices that confirm their own classroom behavior.  They can also help teachers acquire new ideas and techniques through one of the most powerful means to learning - watching those ideas and techniques being enacted.

We want to develop a culture in all of our schools whereby all staff members learn from one another. Walkthroughs enable teachers to identify the instructional areas they want to improve and to identify practices to implement in their own classrooms.  A huge and growing research base indicates that learning is most effective when it is shared.  Want to share your strategies or continue learning from your colleagues?  Please let your administrator or academic coaches know, and they will help make peer walkthroughs happen for you.

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