Engaging All Learners

Engaging All Learners
Studio Day April 2019

Monday, October 26, 2015

PP Teacher Leader Presents Professional Learning

Second grade teacher, Catherine Finkley, shared outstanding information regarding number talks with her colleagues today during Paine Primary's professional learning time.  She began by defining number talks and explaining that number talks are a quick way to practice computational fluency and to provide an opportunity for student discourse.  Number talks usually last about 10 minutes.  Ms. Finkley then outlined the steps for facilitating a number talk.  She shared a video of her second graders engaged in number talks.  Colleagues Penny Moore, Cynthia Weyerman, and Emily Wolfe shared how they include number talks in their classrooms.  Ms. Finkley referenced Sherry Parrish's Book, Number Talks.

Both books are excellent resources for math teachers.  

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